Background Check
improve your company’s integrity index
Background Check
improve your company’s integrity index

Why Background Check?
You are known by the company you keep. And a company is known by the people it employs. The best companies build cultures of integrity, beginning with the people they hire.
Employee-related frauds, if not detected right when the candidate enters the system, exposes the entire organisation to risk in many forms. Inflated salary slips, exaggerated past designations and misleading academic history can cause damage to the bottom-line month on month while the employee is still in the system. Criminal history, questionable political affiliations and a negative personality can cause severe damage to a company’s reputation and future earning potential. Lastly, the wrong hire makes the workplace unsafe for both clients and employees alike.
Background verification of hires prevents all the above and contributes greatly to the elevation of India’s Integrity Index.
Checks Conducted
About Secur
SecUR Credentials Ltd is India’s first and only listed employee background check companies. We are also one of India’s largest background check companies with pan-India coverage and operational capabilities across the globe. We firmly believe in the value of integrity and pursuit of excellence. Supported by state of the art technology, our services have been integrated into HR systems for over 1000 large companies across sectors.
A thought-leader in the background verification space, we at SecUR Credentials are committed to elevating the integrity index of India Inc, one company at the time. We are the name behind four million intelligent hiring decisions and that number is only growing